A Film & READING-Based Dialogue on Race & Faith

Recently, parishioners at St. John’s and members of neighboring faith communities were invited to participate in a journey over the sacred ground of racial introspection and reconciliation. This 10-part series developed by the Episcopal Church, and co-facilitated by parishioners Holly Carter and Caitlin Slodden, walked through the chapters of America’s history of race and racism, while weaving in threads of family story, socio-economic status, and political and regional identity.

  • Examining the impact of white privilege

  • Learning how and why racial inequalities are perpetuated in contemporary American society

  • Gaining a deeper appreciation for other cultures and experience

  • Fostering greater awareness of and deeper empathy towards others 

  • Increasing self-awareness

  • Engaging with issues of racial identity and difference

  • Developing tools to better navigate the world as faithful Christians

  • Inter-generational dialogue—high school age parishioners welcome